Reiki For Pets

$50.00 50 minutes

Two of the main benefits of Reiki for pets is deep relaxation and stress relief. The calm space invites your pet to join that relaxed environment.

Reiki For Pets

$50.00 50 minutes


Benefits Of Reiki For Pets

In addition to humans, reiki is also used as a treatment and connection method in a number of ways for pets. The powerful healing energy of reiki can bring on a host of benefits for animals including the following.

  • Relieving aches, pains, strains, and allergies
  • Addressing issues with the coat, feathers, or skin
  • Helping to heal after trauma, surgery, or injury
  • Alleviating nervousness, anxiety, stress and producing a state of calm
  • Getting pets through bereavement or depression
  • Increasing energy levels and overall well-being
  • Supplementing medical treatments and more