Spiritual Energy (pkg)

$250 for 6 sessions 50 minutes

Spiritual energy is a force that exist in your body. It gathers at certain places in greater amounts. I will help you be open to each of these points through constant practice.

Spiritual Energy (pkg)

$250 for 6 sessions 50 minutes


What Is Spiritual Energy?

Spiritual energy is what fills every level of reality and makes it divine. Not only does it exist on every plane, but also every living thing holds some of this precious energy within itself. All living things contains this energy that they use while interacting with other living things. In fact, it’s just another type of energy, much like the ones you’re familiar with.
For example, most people know about gravity. If you throw a ball into the air and it falls back down, most people don’t need a visible explanation for that. This is because gravity prove to be enough.

All human beings are born with a certain level of spiritual energy. Through different techniques, I will help you harness this power and even increase the amount of this energy. Albeit walking a spiritual path is no easy task, I am here to guide you through it.