Gigi's Healing

Gigi's Healing Blog

Alternative medicine remedies & solutions
June 2, 2023 in Inner Growth

The Essentials Of Natural Self Healing

The Essentials Of Natural Self Healing

A new way of viewing wellness has emerged that joins alternative medicine with traditional medicine. This ancient and proven healing model promotes powerful health changes. Your choices matter. And the possibilities of natural self healing consists of a continuous style of living.

From physicians to progressive consumers, acknowledge that they have become disillusioned by the standard interpretation of healing. For instance, wellness is not just the opposite of illness.

Instead, it’s a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being. As such, this definition offers a more holistic view of people’s well-being at all ages. Moreover, it’s essential to the fullest attainment of health for all.

5 Essentials Of Natural Healing

Through my work in holistic healing over the years, I have realized several things. First, physical techniques like herbs are just one piece within a much bigger picture of healing. And second, healing is most effective when working from the inside out.

In essence, I’ve nailed it down to 5 essentials of natural self healing. And your inner growth is at the center of it all. In fact, having a healthy relationship with yourself translate into improved relationships with others.

You focus more on rest, exercise, and nutrition. In turn, it all supports your physical and emotional health so you can thrive. Given these points, let’s look at each of the 5 essentials.

1. Inner Growth
At the center of it all is you connecting with yourself – your feelings, intuition, needs. Oftentimes, people consider inner growth less important that physical health. Most likely because it seems more difficult to understand.

Yet, natural self healing and inner growth is at the core, from which all the others emerge. Inner growth is about compassionately connecting with yourself. Tuning into your internal window and body rather than some external authority.

Inner growth can be intense work. For example, digging down to unearth old stories, shifting your ways of thinking towards valuing yourself as a person.

2. Healthy Relationships
Positive and negative relationships can have an impact on your health mentally, physically and emotionally. In fact, relationships are often one of the biggest sources of stressors. So, look at where your relationships nourish you and where they drain you. Then act accordingly.

One way to do this is to set boundaries or interactions that tend to drain you. This way you can avoid feeling of dread or seeing your relationships as obligations.

3. Physical Nourishment
Reducing stress and being emotionally nourished through your inner growth and relationships helps you find serenity. As a result, your body is more able to receive the benefit from physical nourishment.

4. Slowing Yourself To Rest
Embracing your body includes allowing yourself to rest. While this seems so simple, it can be surprisingly difficult. Eat when you’re hungry, rest when you’re tired – right? Rather than pushing through fatigue with stimulates such as caffeine, sleep and rest can calm your nervous system.

One of the greatest gifts of natural self healing is to be able to sleep and rest.

5. Move and Exercise
Exercise and movement is beneficial not only to your body, but also your mind and spirit. Particularly when you’re coming from a nourished, rested place and not exhausting yourself to meet someone else’s standard of beauty.


You might be wondering, where would I even begin? Start with noticing and celebrating one of the essentials of self healing in which you’re already strong. Build on that and make it part of your day-to-day life.

Remember, be patient with yourself. Know that a self healing journey can take many years. Probably the most important journey you’ve ever embarked on, but it becomes a way of life.

DISCLAIMER: These services/products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant as a substitute for information from healthcare practitioners. Instead, they are a complement to traditional medicine.

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